Modum Eval is designed for financial institutions and credit unions with low-risk loans who seek accurate commercial property value reporting—just above and beyond.
Conforms to IAEG and NCUA evaluation guidelines
Delivery of report in as few as 5 business days
Designed and quality-reviewed by designated MAIs

Modum IQ is the first real property subscription-based product of its type available to the commercial real estate market—and it’s an affordable option for everyone.
Not an AVM; value estimates derived by experienced valuation professionals
Designed and quality-reviewed by senior valuation professionals

Modum RA is designed to provide insight to all participants in the real estate sector requiring an affordable certified appraisal option conforming to USPAP.
Delivery of report in as few as 5 business days
Designed by senior valuation professionals with the prestigious MAI designation
A fraction of the cost of a narrative report with the same detailed analysis